Thursday 13 October 2011

Photo A Day - Day 47

Call of the wild:

Unfortunately I only have 18x optical zoom on a bridge camera so I cant take a stunning shot, but this was the Moon at about 6.20 this morning.

For me the moon and the night represent the call of the wild. I love to stare out of the window when its dark late at night and I cant sleep - its so peaceful and beautiful. I love being outside at night watching the stars looking up at the moon. There are some nights that I think I could quite happily sit out there snuggled up in a blankie and just watch the sky.

The peace and the ethereal quality just make me want to run outside, to take a moonlit woodland walk and talk the dryads :)


  1. I rather like this one. Simple and effective - you early bird you! :)

  2. Thank you

    Yes I am an early bird - I like to get to desk job early :)

  3. Very nice.. and I like the interpretation - are you a secret wearwolf ;)


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